Enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend? I sure am! Typically, if there is something I don't like, and it's within my control to change, I change it. My daughter's room was such an example. In my previous post, Daughter's Room I, I started exploring another software application called Sketchup. Well, now I am finding myself using it quite a bit more. I'm no master, by any stretch, but the majority of CAD blocks I find and download, I am almost always tweaking in some way.
To start, the renders to follow were changed to scale back the bunk bed. Once I did this, and re-imported the model, I started to see more space to play with.
Afterward, I forwarded the basic changes to my pro-colleague. She promptly replied giving me advice to raise up the bookshelves to bed level, to create a space where one could place a drink, phone, or other small item while relaxing in bed.
What a great idea! Only, I didn't stop there, I took the bookshelves all the way up, added more bookshelves, crown molding, and my new favorite... an awning with window seating!
To keep my daughter's tom-boy spirit, and well, really to distract her from all the pink, I added a few Transformers models I found (which, btw, are incredibly detailed).
I'm still playing with colors a bit. I've got an idea to paint massive streaks of colors, like waves against the back wall of the book cases, or even the ceiling. We'll see. There's a few other compositional flaws, piggy bank is falling off the shelf, Jetfire looks a little scrawny next to Bumblebee, and his SR-71 is just floating there, the awning is a little lop-sided, and most obvious, there's a lot of empty shelf space.
- Removed Jetfire, added Iron Hide
- Added Teddy Bear
- Painted ceiling green
- Painting cabinet knobs white
- Added blue-stained end trim
- Adjusted piggy-bank
Thanks for following along!