Friday, November 8, 2013

Garage update 1

In my previous post I talked about finishing the garage and posted some plans I spun up involving diamond plate and aluminum peg board.  Well, no sooner than was the floor dry, did I start on those plans.  Here's some pictures of progress.

In case I didn't post it before, here are my plans:

And here is my progress:

Hard parts are still ahead, but I'll get there soon.



  1. A place I used to bartend at had these all around the bar, it was really cool!

  2. Nice!!! We joke about serving jello-shooters and charging admission once the whole project is done :P

  3. This has nothing to do with your current project...impressive as it is. I will be moving into a Rome in the same neighborhood, and had a question about the AC/Heating unit. I was a little leery about having ONE unit heat and cool the entire house. How does this system seem to work for you?

    1. I too had a concern, but in use it is not on any list of changes I would make or wish to have made. If the Rome had a third floor loft, finished attic, then definitely dual zones would be a necessity. We are comfortable in all areas both during cold and hot weather. That said, this is true when the system is running. During fair weather, like mid 70s or 80s, I turn it off to save energy, but if a cold front rolls through, or a heat wave, turning the system back on might not get things back in balance as quick as I'd like, perhaps because one source is ventilating all registers. Not a big deal, in my opinion slow and steady wins the race. Also, I tend to believe our home is benefiting from the energy efficiency. It's hard to say how much our electric bill is consumed by HVAC, because I run a rack of computers all hogging watts, but I'd say it's between $80 and $150 to run or home. We definitely make use of the thermostat scheduler as well. Hope that helps! Welcome to the neighborhood!

    2. Thank you for the great analysis. Yes it was very helpful and puts my mind at ease.
      I truly enjoy your is the most thorough of all the blogs I have followed. I really enjoyed your blogs on NVR..I must say this is the part of the whole process I am dreading.
      Thanks again!
