Monday, April 22, 2013

Put to good use!

Probably somewhere in a previous post I talked about all the goodies one could find in their dumpster at various points throughout the life cycle of home building.  Anything from carpet, to tile, vinyl siding.  Well, the vinyl siding was especially useful in my first dumpster project to date.

Our dog Charlie has a dog house.  Very well constructed, durable, etc.  Only problem it was painted radio-active green.  It was only a matter of time before before the HOA would be showing up with a nasty-gram or something, so I knew something had to be done.  Fortunately, my frugal side came through, and I was able to create a mini-Rome for our dog Charlie, using nearly all recycled, scavenged products taken from our dumpster.

Here are some photos...


  1. That is just awesome beyond words. Love it.

  2. I passed by to check out our house and noticed you were mid project. It turned out awesome, but I liked the original green too. I probably will end up doing a few things the hoa might find questionable. I'm a bright colors kinda girl.

    1. Thanks!!! Amy likes the bright colors too, but we're both lovin the new look. I snatched a stack of shingles from your dumpster to re-shingle the dog house, hope you don't mind :) most were covered with drywall mud, but the new shingles came out looking great too! Anyway, your house is coming along! Hopefully they'll do right by what they learned building mine... good luck, and feel free to say hello if you see us poking around outside.

    2. I'm glad you utilized our extras. I've been trying to convince my hubs to save some stuff, but he has been tired from work lately. We will def say hello when we see you. We already caught our garage being incorrect thanks to your prior experience.

  3. Isz Wisz the GENIUS!!


    We have two dog houses for Harley that I found on Amazon. One for the inside and a bigger one for the outside. He just started sleeping in it a few days ago. I could not understand why so off I trotted off to Petsmart to get him a thicker padding because I only had a plush blanket in the dog house. Now every morning we have to encourage him to come out of the house. It's hysterical because it took three months to get him in there and now he doesn't want to leave it.

    Our HOA are okay with additions that are not within sight.

    BTW--don't you just LOVE dumpster diving!!
