Thursday, January 24, 2013

So close!

We are getting much closer now.  My PM and I have set up weekly meetings to cover defect resolution and give updates.  We are set to have our "reveal" or "final walk-through" Feb 18th.  Settlement is set for Feb. 27th.  Not too far out now!

I get Elevation N is a little undocumented, which is something I feel a sense of leadership about, but certainly can't take any credit for.  I'm hoping the pics I've posted will be of great help for someone considering this design (I already know there's at least one other who loves it and should be building just up the road).

Just a few more touches and she'll be complete!



  1. It really is beautiful! We should be breaking ground in the next two weeks. It's been great to watch your progress and get an idea for how our journey will pan out. I'm super jealous that you will be moving in soon!

  2. Good to hear! If you need any tips, or a point of reference, just stop by or whatever.

  3. I close on feb 28th and you seen so much further along then my Rome. Congrats

    1. Crystal, have not seen you blog in a goes it?

  4. Your elevation is so beautiful! And the colors and brick you chose go together so wonderfully. I am jealous of whoever gets to live across the street from your house and see it everyday!

  5. The house is BEAUTIFUL! Best of luck with this final stretch!

  6. Awww shucks Isz Wisz, it's on and popping! YOUR ROME ELEVATION N IS GORGEOUS! So happy to see it built and can't wait to see you and your family in your new home!! Your new ROME!

  7. Was waiting for a shot like this ;) PM says today they add the porch rail... will be a black, powder coated rail. So can't wait to see that. Thanks for all the great feedback!

  8. Looks great! We're in the homestretch too! By the way- did you happen to get the 42 in cabinets and did they get hung too low?

    1. Hi Abby! After reading your article, we checked the cabinets too. Yes they do appear low, but I think they will work for us. Our 12 qt. stockpot should fit on the stove with room to spare. I'll try to get the exact dimensions and post them here.

  9. Your house looks beautiful! Congrats!
