Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cabinets & More

It's raining today at Lot 95, which was enough to delay the roofer from hanging the tin roof.  But he did manage to get 1/2 of it complete.  Also, when we left to Walmart and came back, the new door was installed, and also the cabinet folks were busy in the kitchen.

Here are a few photos I took...

Also, I asked one of the carpenters to borrow a tape measure and proceeded to measure out the height of the floor to cabinet base where the refrigerator goes.

It measured 68 5/8" which to me seemed a little low and might not accommodate fridges that are 31 cu. ft.  In fact if they lay down hard wood in that space, I am looking at even less, perhaps 68 1/4" inches to play with.  

What height did you get?  

Aside from this concern, the kitchen cabinets are looking SWEET!  The front door looks SWEET!  The fireplace looks SWEET!  And the tin roof is looking SWEET!


UPDATE: PM assured me to pick out the fridge I wanted, and not to worry about it not fitting.  If it doesn't fit, he would fix it so it will.  This was great news to hear :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Behold! Elevation N

Ok, well it's not quite finished, but they sure do move fast!  Yesterday the nearly finished the siding, installed the (wrong) garage door, and finished a bunch of other stuff.  On the inside, sheet rock is up, partly taped, wiring, hvac, plumbing all finished, tubs in place.

Anyway, I wanted to show you all today's pic and to say I am glad the house didn't blow away in last night's winds, and that we have all lived passed doomsday to see it :)

Elevation N - Approaching Complete

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tour - Second Floor

Below is a video walkthrough from today touring the second floor.



Thursday, December 6, 2012

Elevation N - Taking shape

Stopped by this morning to check on *things* and dropped off a box of donuts for the crew. 

This is a favorite pic which really shows off the colossal dimension of the house.  I had no idea the house would end up looking so HUGE!!!  I think this perception is created perhaps in part due to the foundation being situated higher than expected, which I believe is caused by the slope of the lot having less of an incline than originally thought.

Early on, I had doubts about the hip roof, and in previous drama there was a point I switched to another elevation.  I am EXTREMELY glad I switched back though, since the hip roof has grown on me, and I now really like it.  As my dad says, "just means there's less room for Santa's sleigh!"

Box of Donuts

The crew is a great team!  When I stop by, they seem very friendly.  My mom, who came by to visit with me and my daughter the other day, speaks fluently in several languages, including Spanish.  I know very little myself, but it helps to have her "gift-of-gab" to break the cultural boundary.  After a long talk she had with one of the workers, she told me she said to them I was quite grateful, and that we are just guests in their work space.

Indeed I am... Quite Grateful!

Monday, December 3, 2012

The last truss

So far I've been very lucky to catch the crew in the process of something spectacular.  This evening was no exception. It was just around 5:15 pm tonight when I arrived to see the last couple trusses hoisted into the air to be guided into position.

What a site to see!



After I caught a few pics a couple good vids, I hurried off to Walmart to get the crew a 12 pack of my personal fav, Modelo Especial.  Fortunately, I made it back just as they were breaking, and handed off a small token of my appreciation.

  I think it was graciously accepted.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Back to reality

I'm fortunate to be able to make a trip out to the lot daily.  And of course, each time I make it out, I take a TON of pics. The progress is moving along, and I'm quite fine with that, as I'm certainly in no rush to the finish line.

One thing I did notice, well actually my neighbors noticed it, was the Living Room doesn't have a window.  It's funny because when she asked about it, I was certain I had one.  After heading home and researching it, yes in fact I asked to have it removed, and I honestly can't recall why!  I suppose if it really bugs me, down the road I can add one, but it will have to get in line with the rest of the post-settlement projects :)

The other day I managed to sneak in while the crew went out on break... borrowing Amanda's idea, I've been taking 360 degree portrait shots, putting my camera in overdrive, with the intent of trying out that panorama trick.

Here's a 180 degree of the Dining Room:

Yesterday they started working on the second floor, and I'm headed out again today (10 minutes away), to see more progress!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Master Bedroom

The Master Bedroom has had a different set of challenges, not just because it's a different room, but more importantly, it has different meaning.  My biggest challenge was balancing the room with both feminine and masculine characteristics.  It's not another "man cave", and it's not a queen's bed chamber.  Stated another way, it's a place where both sexes (if applicable) can feel at ease without competing or subconsciously struggling for power (role play excluded).

Similar to previous examples, these renders will show characteristics that fall within the DIY category, but so far not too terribly drastic I think.

The first render is looking from the sitting area into the bedroom.  It is an older take with white columns and a white marble shelf.  The sitting area was a bit cramped for space, so to make room, and add the columns, I brought out the wall about a foot, which also made space for custom cabinets (a personal fav).  

Across the room, is a head-board wall, covered in a blue mosaic tile glass.  It extends into the room just a couple inches to give a unique accent, and importance to the canopy bed.

The dark wood furniture used through out, though it came out almost black, is really intended to be espresso (thing train track tie, but see the lower quality photos toward the end to get a better idea).  Adding a few gray stained, washed out and weathered pieces, like the blanket chest, keeps the room in balance.

In this render, after realizing the room scale was teetering on the feminine, and realizing I liked the columns, I decided to give them more girth, so I kept the pony wall, but made the columns full height with the same dark espresso-colored wood.

Note: I'm envisioning a Celtic knotted pattern routed into the wood.

Additionally, I began experimenting with a cove lighted ceiling.  Unfortunately, here is where I began running into limitations with Chief Architect and the inability it has to simulate rope lighting.

You can really see the reflective qualities of the glass tile though, and the subtle glow of the pendant lanterns in the far corner near the sitting are warm up the place.

There are a number of good camera angles still required to capture some of the architectural and decorative ideas built into this room, so I will try to post a few more as I snap them, here are a couple more low quality takes.
